3. Web Wallet Tutorial

3.1 Wallet Registration

After creating the wallet, the following will be generated for you.

Please keep it in a safe place.

    • Mnemonic phrase: This is based on a BIP39 character sets list - this phrase gives you the right to use the wallet, but it is not recommended to use it frequently. It is recommended that you only use mnemonic phrases as a backup.

    • Private key: Gives you access to the wallet and should not be used regularly. It is recommended that you only use the private key as a backup.

(1) Create a Wallet

Click “Create Wallet” to start the process

(2) Fill in your information

Please enter the following information to create a wallet:

① Username

② Password

(The password must be a minimum of 9 characters, including both uppercase and lowercase letters, and must comprise of both characters and numbers)

(3) Backup account information

Backup wallet mnemonic phrase and private keys

① Click on the mnemonic phrase or private key

② Record it in a safe place, do not take photos or directly copy them.

3.2 Asset Management

(1) Initiate a transaction

Transfer tokens/assets to another wallet address

① Click on the corresponding token

② Click the “Send” button

③ Enter the address you would like to send the tokens to, the number of tokens to transfer, and your wallet password

(2) Add Token

Add other tokens to your wallet token list

① Click the green '+' button

② Select the token you want to add

③ Return to the main page to see that the token has been added to the list

3.3 Other Operations

(1) Switch wallet

Click the button in the upper right corner and select the wallet you want

(2) Modify, delete, backup wallet

① Click the "Settings" button at the bottom

② Click "Wallet Detail"

③ From here you can modify the wallet name, backup the wallet, change the password, or delete the wallet

Last updated